My first proper entry,
I originally wanted a
blog to dump all my ideas down, but I like the idea of having a
journal of sorts for when I have good days too :3 So without further
Today I went to see
Spirited Away in the cinema!
I have waited 12 years to see it on the
big screen, and I'm so glad I eventually got to experience it :) I have a lot of history with
Ghibli, which I'll end up ranting about some other time, but Spirited
Away was the first ever DVD I bought myself, and Howl's Moving Castle
was the first ever special edition DVD I bought myself (with slip
cover and postcards!). Howl's was £17, and as a student at the time
that may as well have been £80...
Anyway, I've well and
truly worn my original DVD out. I paid £9.97 for it from a music shop that no longer exists way back in 2004, and have lent it to many friends over the years
in hopes of getting them into it too. It was my gateway Ghibli movie,
and by proxy partially responsible for getting me into anime. I
probably know the English dub word for word, and I watch it whenever
I need to have emotion dump – happy tears/sad tears/aw this is so
cute tears/i like the music tears. ':/
It was the subtitled
version, which is always interesting. I've always watched the dub,
because I really love the voice work, but watching subbed is
interesting too – you see more of the story or different faces to
it. They're only small differences but it's interesting to see a film
I've watched so many times from a different angle. Plus maybe it's
just me, but Haku sounds a lot friendlier in Japanese than in
There's so much water,
it looks like a sea.
Some of my favourite
scenes in film are in this movie, and it was a delight to see them on
the big screen. The whole train journey sticks with me, as well as
the visit to Zeniba's house. Lovely stuff, gorgeous scenery... To be honest, that's the main reason I wanted to go see it. The weird thing with me and movies is that I tear up when no one else does (I'm looking at you Jurassic Park...), so while people are misty-eyed with Haku turning up alive and well at Zeniba's, I'm wiping my eyes to The Sixth Station.
Well, let's not lie, I'm pretty much weepy the whole way through. :I
The only problem seeing
it on the big screen is, well, people. I don't like to moan but
inevitably there's always a gaggle of girls who have to talk through
the whole thing, and the woman sat next to me kept checking her phone
every five minutes (which in itself isn't a problem, but the backlight was really distracting! :c )
I did however get to
sit next to an awesome old lady (must have been about 80) who told me
she had it on DVD herself but she was looking forward to seeing it on
screen! People pleasantly surprise you sometimes.
Also I somehow threw
myself onto the beverage holder while trying to sit down, and now
have a beautiful bruise on the back of my thigh, so that was good.
I just can't wait 'til
next week now for Howl's Moving Castle, and My Neighbour Totoro the
week after :D My only regret is that I have boneitis I
didn't find out about these screenings sooner, I missed From Up on
Poppy Hill, Princess Mononoke and Ponyo, but judging by the
popularity of today's screening, I can hope that they'll repeat the
season sometime :)
There was a Morrissey
event in the evening too, which I couldn't stay for, but I did get some
free badges. There was also a fracking simulator where I got to wear
a hard hat, and I got a Froakie hat from the Nintendo Festival of
There'll probably be a
similar post next week when I'm reeling from post-Howl's feels, so
look forward to that.
(Writing blogs isn't as scary as I thought it'd be c: )